Mug Club Gift Boxes

Hey Mug Club! We like to hold on to a couple cases of each of our barrel aged beers for something special, and today we’re making a few of our past favorites available just for you in our holiday gift boxes! Each gift box is $50 and includes your choice of two special barrel aged bottles and two tulip glasses.

This offer is ONLY for Mug Club members! Reserve a gift box using the form below, and we’ll contact you to confirm your purchase. If you would like to add a gift card, merchandise, or an additional packaged beer to your gift box, just let us know on the form below or when we give you a call to process payment!

Exclusive Barrel Aged Beers
2018 Aquila Nilla Hang Fire
2018 Rubus Hang Fire
German Chocolate Cake Oja
2019 Barrel Aged OREOja